The Graduation Dance!

June 12, 2003: The Class of 2007 winds down its final hours in the middle school. A short school day. An awards ceremony. The afternoon off to prepare for the evening. A graduation ceremony. And one final fling as a middle school class: the Graduation Dance! And boy, did people party!!!!

I took most of these pictures, but not all. Thank you to those who did take some! And if anyone else has pictures they'd like to share, please send them to me! I'll be happy to share them all!! If they're digital, or you can scan them, e-mail them to me ( ). If they're regular photographs, mail them to - or drop them off at - the middle school office.  I'll scan them and return them to you - probably within a week. (Make sure you put your name on them so I can return them!)

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Aimee, Molly, and Amy are lookin' fine!



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A closer shot of the three ladies.





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These young ladies look so lovely, all dressed up, they look like they're graduating high school!




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Amy & Stephanie are ready for the big night.


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"Ceremony's over, Mr. Sawyer. When are the parents leaving??"


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Caity and Kaylee had a great time!




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Caity had a better time after she got to dance with Ross!!!




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Clare pauses for a picture.





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While Cory's enjoying this pose, Danny's thinking, "Why can't my arm be around Gina??"


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Happy birthday, Mara!! 

Dancin', dancin', dancin'!


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Everyone clears the way as Val cuts loose.



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Kyle boogies with the best of 'em.


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Ashley and Kim catch their breath - and smile pretty!


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Austin busts a move! Thank goodness he didn't bust anything else!



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"Electric Slide", round one. But where's Miss Courneene? That's her dance!




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More slow dancing.





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"Electric Slide", round two. Miss Courneene's gone again, and it shows. Luke's lost without the Leader!


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Hey! There she is!!




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With the "Electric Slide" Leader back, Luke looks like a pro!!



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Look at 'em all slide!




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What's everyone looking at??




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Casie and Aimee love the dances - especially this one! You know...start of summer vacation, moving to the high school...


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Gina and Brittany are classy ladies!




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There's Caity with Ross again! look at her smile! And, I think Ross is enjoying this, too!


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"Three pretty maids, all in a row..." But they look like they're up to something...


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Clare's pretty enough, but David doesn't look like he's enjoying this.



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More slow dancing!




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Woohoo!! School's over!



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Still more slow dancing!



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Kyle's still goin'...



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Mr. & Mrs. Hatfield show everyone how it's done.



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Like David, Jason just doesn't seem as happy as one would think, dancing with Aimee - such a lovely girl!


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For some strange reason, Jeremy is guarding the door to the auditorium. What a weirdo!


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This is more like it! Boogie, boogie, boogie!



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Kayla and Mara get down with some new moves!



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I think I'll refrain from comment on this one...



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Jason seems much happier now....



Kaylee_Jason.jpg (117626 bytes) that he's dancing with Kaylee!!! Who, for some reason, wouldn't look at the camera.


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I'm not sure if these guys are dancing, or just standing around & talking.  Well, as long as they're having fun!


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This is how it should be when slow dancing. Look at those smiles!


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Look at these guys go! They're dancin' fools!



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Kim and Dani always have a good time at dances!



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Krista and Caity were happy ladies - they each got to dance with their own certain "someone"!


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Kayla showin' off some more of her moves.




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Jackie and Aimee have a little trouble figuring out the hula-hoop.




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So, Mr. Hatfield shows everyone the, uh, "proper" way to do it.



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Claire gets the hang of it fast!




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Ashley struggles, but doesn't give up!


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Molly, Kim, Liza, and Casie square off in the hula-hoop contest.



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Another angle of the previous contestants.




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Allie and Casie do great, but Jeremy just can't figure it out. He was better at guarding the auditorium!


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Ross thought he understood the concept just fine, but couldn't keep the hoop going. I think this photo solves the problem.


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Matt was really good at this!


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Molly and Liza battle it out!!




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I believe we have our winner! Way to go, Liza!!



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Alright! Back to the dancin'!




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Krista finally lets her emotions out.


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Russell gets a dance with Liza, the Hula-Hoop Queen!



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Mark and Shawn get cozy. Joe rushes up, jealous about being left out.


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Jeremy gave up on the hoop, and displays his expertise with the Worm!!!!


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You know, I can't tell if Kayla is pinching Matt's cheek, or slappin'  him!!


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Ross dances up a sweat! He's workin' hard!!



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I think the flash caught David off guard this time - but Stephanie sure is happy!!



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Elliot was just standing there, minding his own business, when BAM! He got hit by a train!!!


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Miss Courneene and Mrs. Polencheck tell me where I can go with my camera.


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Dani, Gina, and Kayla dance the night away.


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Dani and Kayla get creative at the YMCA.


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Nate's ready for summer vacation!!!


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    These ladies were eager to pose for cameraman Danny - - and the pose was their idea!  

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Amy and Stephanie wave "Good-Bye" to middle school.


Here are some pictures donated by Gina!!

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Brittany's having a great time! Behind her, Krista is choking Val...


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Gina & Kim take a breather.



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I don't know what kind of dance that is, but I'm not surprised to see Elliot leading it!!


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Krista & Val make up, and pose for a photo.



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Cory & Gina relax after emceeing the graduation ceremony.


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Dani & Gina pose before they get too disheveled from dancing.


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Cory can boogie with the best!



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Gina & Ashley pose with... someone important!




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Austin looks ticked off, but Justin & Brian are havin' fun!



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"Whoohoo!! We're outta here!!!"



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Kim & Dani are thrilled to finally leave the middle school!!


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After the dance, I was lucky enough to get my picture taken with two of 2007's best!!



It's been a pleasure having you here! Please - come back and visit sometime!!




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